Breeze for Groove Help Desk

By Breeze Team on May 28

We are happy to announce another integration to the growing list. Breeze now integrates with Groove - a simple help desk software for teams. With the integration, you won't have to waste time moving between Groove tickets and Breeze to find the correct task. All the information is right there, available for you support people - they can see if the issue is in development or on hold and much more.

What is Groove?

Groove is a simple online help desk software. It has ticket management, reports, knowledge base and email integration.

Groove makes it easy to deliver awesome, personal support to every customer. It looks and feels just like regular email to your customers, but comes with collaboration tools let you assign support requests to members of your team, add private notes to tickets and always see who’s responding to what. Plus, Groove has automation features to make you more productive, and customer support metrics to help you track, set goals and improve. Read more about Groove from their homepage

How the integration works?

We use a browser extension to make the integration possible. Start by installing the Chrome extension. That's it, your done. Now you can start linking support tickets to Breeze tasks.

Open Groove and navigate to a ticket. You'll see a new section on the right hand sidebar. You can create a new task to Breeze or link an existing one to the ticket.

Breeze for Groove Help Desk

After linking a ticket to Breeze task you can see all the task related information right on the sidebar. Click on the link to go directly to Breeze, so you can see all the other comments and information. You can also link multiple Groove tickets to one Breeze task.

When you integrate Groove with Breeze, both apps get even better.