Project roadmaps

Build your roadmap in minutes

Roadmapping made simple. Create a simple & elegant product, marketing, and project roadmap in minutes and share it with your team and stakeholders in one place.

Project roadmaps

Thousands of teams, big and small, use Breeze to plan their project roadmaps

Projects pipeline

Product roadmap

Automatically map all your Breeze projects into one roadmap that gives you a high-level overview. Plan and prioritize what needs to get done first. Keep all the important details in individual projects for clarity. See your lon-term goals in one place.

Learn more about long-term goals

Project pipeline roadmap
Quarterly roadmap

Projects timeline roadmap

Create and plan your projects with a visual roadmap for monthly, quarterly, or yearly work. See how your projects are related and connected to set better short-term goals. Instantly see when you should start working on a project and which project comes next.

Learn more about short-term goals

Projects quarterly roadmap
Team roadmap

Team workload roadmap

Create a roadmap for your team by departments and groups. See at a glance who's working on what and what's coming up next. This visual roadmap can help you align your team, set SMART goals, and achieve better results. Allow your teams to plan their workload and predict upcoming deadlines.

Learn more about SMART goals

Team roadmap plan
Cient roadmap

Customer service roadmap

Creating a visual roadmap of customer projects and managing their priority and status can help you provide your clients with instant feedback. We understand that it's important to stay in constant contact with clients to keep them in the loop. With the roadmap you can engage your customers with a visual overview of the projects status and priority.

Client planning roadmap
Roadmap reasons

Why you need a roadmp?

All companies and organizations, including yours, should have roadmaps to help them plan their future. Like the roadmaps of successful companies and organizations, personal roadmaps enable individuals to think deeply about the future and stay on track with their goals.

Roadmap steps and reasons

Roadmaps give you the big picture and project timelines give you all the small details. When a business or product plan fails and nothing is going right, a roadmap can help the organization get back on track. A roadmap can take a company to the next level.

See project timelines

To reach a goal or desired outcome, you should always use a roadmap. Without one, you will get lost and achieve nothing. Here's a list of the main benefits of a roadmap:

  1. Drives awareness
  2. Makes communication easy with stakeholders
  3. Keeps everyone on track
  4. Reveals gaps
  5. Gives everyone a clear sight

Learn more about the top 5 reasons why you need a roadmap.