New in Breeze: multiple accounts and invoice based billing

By Breeze Team on Apr 17

Multiple accounts

We made a small change the way you work with multiple accounts in Breeze. Now you can clearly separate each team or account and have different roles in different teams.

When a person from another team invites you to one of their projects then you’ll get an invite as usual. You'll have separate entities with the same login in different teams. This makes it clear and safe to work with multiple teams. You'll log in as usual and have the option to switch to another team. That way you don’t have to have multiple accounts to work with multiple teams.

You can quickly switch between different teams from the main menu. Click on your name in the top right corner and you'll see a list of teams:

Join other teams

This change affects only new users. If you would like to switch over then please get in touch.

Invoice based billing

Another feature we like to introduce is invoice based billing for annual subscription. This allows you to pay for Breeze using an invoice. You can choose to pay via wire transfer or even by cheque. This makes it easier to handle the payment in larger organizations.

Please contact us at with your company details and the subscription plan details. We'll get back to you and work out the technicalities.