New features: project due dates and mention everyone in tasks
We have been busy updating Breeze and here are some of the updates that you might have missed.
Set due dates for projects
In Breeze, you can set start dates and due dates to tasks. Now you can also set due dates for projects - it's a good way to keep track of your project completion. You can set the dates from the project settings:

Once the dates are set then they are visible in the calendar and the iCal calendar feeds. You also have the option to hide task and project dates in the calendar. That way you can choose to focus only on the individual tasks or get an overview by only viewing the projects.

Setting and tracking due dates is an important part of managing projects. It helps you meet your deadlines and schedule new projects.
Get everybody's attention by mentioning all users
A good way to get someone's attention is to mention them in a comment or task. Use the @ symbol followed by their name (no spaces). Breeze will suggest names to choose from:

Sometimes you may need to get the attention of everybody in the project. Now it's possible without typing everyone's name - just type @all and everybody gets notified.

All the users in the projects will be notified by email and they'll also see the message in the notification bar at the top.