New feature in Breeze: Bulk edit tasks

By Lucas on Mar 28

In our continuing effort to develop and improve Breeze project management tool, we are pleased to announce a new bulk edit feature. Starting today, you can eliminate repetitive steps by managing your tasks in bulk.

Bulk edit tasks

How to bulk edit tasks

You can bulk edit tasks on projects boards, your tasks page, and on the master board.

To select task hold down the SHIFT key and click on the tasks. The selected tasks will be highlighted with blue color.

You can unselect the a task by clicking on it again.

After clicking on the tasks you'll see the bulk edit action menu on the top of the screen.

Bulk edit menu

Bulk actions

You can perform the same actions as in the task shortcuts menu. Here's a list of actions:

  • Set status - assign one status to all the selected tasks.
  • Set tags - add and remove multiple tags from tasks.
  • Assign to users - assign and unassign tasks from people.
  • Set due dates - set start and end dates, mark dates as completed.
  • Set custom fields - set custom fields across tasks, if your projects have different custom fields then on the tasks and master board you’ll see in the dropdown the custom fields that are on the first task you clicked on.
  • Copy - quickly copy tasks to a new project or in the same project to a different task list.
  • Move - easily move tasks to a new project or in the same project to a different task list.
  • Archive tasks - archive old and done tasks to clear your projects.

Differences from regular actions

Assigning values works little bit different than on the regular action menus.

The bulk edit dropdowns don't show checked and assigned values. This is because tasks can have multiple different values selected.

Bulk edit selection

Example, if the first task is assigned to you and the second task is not assigned to you. When you open the bulk edit action menu then it’s not possible to show it in the dropdown.

To unassign values you first need to assign them and then immediately unassign. Example, when you open the “Assign” menu then you don’t see the assigned people selected on the dropdown. When you select a user from the dropdown then this gets assigned to all tasks. When you want to unassign then you first need to select the value and then unselect.

We hope this new feature will make you more productive and makes it easier to update similar tasks.

This feature is now available to all of our users. We're always here to answer any questions you might have, so please feel free to leave us your feedback. We can't wait to hear what you think!