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For teams
Launch campaigns, track conversions, get your team on the same page
Single space for everything, track progress, enhanced collaboration
Boost your sales, better customer engagement, close more deals
Remote work
Bring your remote team together and collaborate
Plan projects, track progress, one place for everything
Ship products faster, agile planning, efficient workflows
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Key features
Project management
Manage projects from start to finish
Task management
Organize tasks, collaborate, prioritize, and analyze
Kanban tool
Use task boards to track your work and manage projects
Time tracking
Track time and fill out timesheets effortlessly
Project automation
Automate routine tasks and focus on important work
Project reporting
Keep track of your work and stay on top of your team’s progress
Project calendars
Get your whole team together on one shared calendar
Project customization
Do your best work in your own style
Real-time chat in projects and teams
Web forms
Build forms and collect feedback
Project roadmap
Create roadmaps for products, projects, marketing, and more.
Project timeline
See deadlines and how tasks connect across projects
Team workload
Manage workloads fairly and effectively
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Mobile apps
Breeze on the go with your mobile device with apps or on the web
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Daily agenda for tasks and people
Jul 23
We made some updates and added a new view to the calendar. It's an agenda view that shows all your...
Quicker task input
Jul 9
As you might have noticed there is an update to the task input box. Now it reads: "Add a new...
Assign users and due dates to todos
Jul 5
We have just released another update to Breeze, this time the focus was on todos. With this update you can...
Get notified when a task is assigned to you
Jun 15
We added another small but useful little feature. Until now you could only get notifications when a task was...
Notification center
Jun 1
Breeze has a very good notifications system, by default you'll get only the most important emails and notifications, but you...
An alternative to Pivotal Tracker that works for everybody
May 23
Why is Breeze better ? Pivotal Tracker is meant for development teams and technical people - it's all about Scrum,...
Time tracking updates
May 21
We are happy to release an update to the time tracking part of Breeze. We have had a lot of...
Integration with GitHub
May 12
We are happy to announce another integration with Breeze. This time the focus is more on software development and...
Introducing annual billing
May 11
We have subscription plans for every business and budget. To make your life even easier we are introducing annual billing...
Blocked and on hold statuses for tasks
May 6
Breeze has very effective project boards that gives you a good overview of your tasks. You can have task...
Breeze mobile
May 4
We are glad to announce our first mobile version of Breeze. The goal of the mobile version is to get...
New reporting options and charts
Apr 21
This update focuses on the reporting part of Breeze. We have listened to your feedback and made the reporting...
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