Send your reports to Freshbooks for invoicing

By Breeze Team on Nov 6

We are announcing our first integration with 3rd party app. From now you can send your reports directly to Freshbooks so you can invoice your clients. Set up is easy and takes 10 seconds.

Grab your API credentials
First you must get your API credentials from Freshbook.
  • log in to Freshbook
  • click on the "My Account" tab
  • click on the FreshBooks tab

Enter the API credentials to Breeze
Go to personal settings and password page

Enter the API credentials you got from Freshbooks.

Create reports
Now you can start sending reports to Freshbooks. Just go to the Reports page and generate a report. At the end of the page you can see a new link

We plan to integrate more invoicing solution to Breeze. We'll keep you posted.