Filters for calendars and a quick way to find tasks

By Breeze Team on Sep 26

We have released another update to Breeze, this time the focus was on small features and tweaks. With this update you can filter your tasks in the calendar and quickly find tasks.

Filter tasks in the calendar

There is a new link “Filter tasks” on the calendar sidebar, click it and the options will slide down. Now you can filter also by users and tags. All the filters work by filtering tasks that match any of the conditions - users OR status OR tags.

Time tracking on main menu

Full width calendar

To make it easy for you to see all the tasks we added an option to make the calendar as wide as possible. There is a new button on the calendar view, "Calendars". Click it and it will make the calendar expand and shrink. The settings are also saved, you don't have to click it every time.

Time tracking on main menu

Quick way to find tasks

You can now also search tasks by IDs. Fill in the search form and you'll get wildcard results back.
If you don't see the task IDs on your projects boards then you can enable them under each project settings. They are disabled by default.

Time tracking on main menu

Another useful feature is the ability to open tasks directly. Go to and you are taken directly to that task.