You can use keyboard shortcuts to quickly change or any of the task attributes.
e edit task name
w edit task description
c color task
1 set status
t add and remove tags
v add and remove custom fields
a assing and unassign to people
d set start and due dates
q mark as done or undone
m mark as ready
b mark as blocked
h mark as on hold
s subscribe or unsubscribe to email notifications
n create a new task in list where mouse is placed and open task window
g move task to another project
r log work to task
shift + r estimate task
x delete task
shift + s start or stop time tracking timer
shift + alt + x delete task permanently
space assign or unassign task to self
shift + z copy task and add to the end of list
shift + click bulk edit tasks
p show project list
alt + CLICK Projectshow project lis, click on the 'Project' link on the top menu
f open board task filter
esc close modal windows
alt + CLICK LIST NAMEmove task list to another project
? show keyboard shortcuts help